Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rollin' with the D #24

America is and always will be the #1 land for opportunity. In life and in business. Here are a few reasons why. If your proud to be an American or live in America then share this blog with your friends and colleauges!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

OMG 2013 is Coming to an End!

Can you believe that 2013 is almost over? How has the year gone for you? Don't let 2014 be just another repeat of the past. Make the choice. The single most powerful freedom of mankind is the freedom of choice. Tune In to your future don't Tune out. For a lot of us the new year creeps upon us and we get surprised. Without goals and plans for the future we are all doomed to circumstance. Let these last few months of the year be an opportunity to plan for a new you, a new opportunity, and your best year yet! Here's a short video that can give you a tip on how to stay focused. 

Friday, July 19, 2013


What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? The helping hand you need is at the end of your sleeve! Create your own #economy design your own #future #Success is your responsibility, it's up to you! #Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle and a mindset. Get in shape!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013 World Conference Highlight Video

We recently attended Marketamerica and World Conference in Miami. We got to see all the new Motives by Loren Ridinger makeup for our spring/summer collection "Watercolors" and witness the launch of our new skin care line "Lumiere de Vie" by Amber Ridinger. We can't wait to share all of this with you. Enjoy the highlights of our conference.